UAHS '67
Fifty-Fifth Class Reunion Photos Here!
Seventy-Fifth Birthday Party Invitation
Classmate Resources

We have a bunch of classmate resources for you. There's the Upper Arlington High School Class of 1967 Facebook Group. There you'll find current info and lots of pictures and videos. We have the 1967 Norwester in two forms: interactive and PDF. We have all the individual senior pictures. There's an In Memoriam listing and a Military Service listing. Also, there's a list of Missing Classmates.

Norwester The '67 Norwester comes in two versions: an interactive version at and a PDF version on this site.  Take your pick.  Same content in both.
Bearalums The Upper Arlington Alumni Association is the source of all things UAHS.
Reunion 55 Fifty-Fifth Class Reunion photos.
Reunion 55 Seventy-Fifth Birthday Party

Got UA67 links?  Send them to us , and we'll post them here.

Our classmates have left us, but we will never forget them.
These class members have served in the military. If you know of someone else who should be included here, please contact us.
We don't have email or postal addresses for these classmates. If you know how to find any of them, please contact us.